The Borjomi Effect .

After living in one place for so long you will finally find yourself in a routine of events and habits finally realizing that you are a part of this Georgian population .

Morning as usual starts around 9-11 am when you realize glancing at the wall that you are awake after which you put on some pants and make  it to the kitchen . Eat something easily done and have the newly accostumed traditional-coffee-and-a-cigarette in the morning .The morning is always problem free and the perfect nirvana .

In the noon I find myself on the computer researching psychology or reading something inspiring about travel to keep my spirit up keeping an eye on the hostel at the same time .The 5 o’clock event is what I most wait in a day . At 5 usually something great will happen . I have named it the “Borjomi effect” simply because it needed a random name. At 5 o’clock is the time new tourists usually come or the locals call me out to hang with them or even the neighbor will get me to eat or drink with him in the city or his own home .

Borjomi effectSomething interesting happening happening every day in your routine at the specific time .

The most memorable Borjomi effect happened to me a week ago .I went outside to meet 2 of my Georgian friends and had the traditional beer-on-the-veranda-of-an-abandoned-building sit down with 4 more locals . Always a fun experience . That went around for a few hours until it was time to leave – so I left to the hostel to find myself drinking homemade wine with the neighbor arguing about something politic related .We ended our discussion and he left to pack his things for his trip to a small village . Then the Iranian guy came in and I started drinking red wine with him after which we left to meet his Iranian friends in a Turkish Bar .It took us some time to find it , but we managed it and I met the friendly Iranians .

The Turkish bar was a nice little club where people were playing Turkish-Iranian club music . It was weird to see people dancing from one foot to the other . Completely different from the usual European club where people would dance to the beat – nzzz nzz nzz , puh puh puh .

The Iranians ordered many bottles of their favorite “ABSOLUT VODKA” and soma cola to wash it down . They also ordered a hookah and I just enjoyed the atmosphere . Smoking inside was allowed . The check came back with the price of 174 lari(87 euros) . The Iranian named Muhamed paid for everything .




When it was time to leave the Turkish prostitutes used their last chance to find work . Muhamed made a deal and as I heard them speaking it was 150 lari for 2 boys .So we finally left to sleep at Muhamed’s place . The taxi ride was making my head spin around but everything worked out fine since  I went to sleep immediately after arriving.

I had such a good dream and then puff’ i woke up in an unknown location . reminded me of my younger days . We had our breakfast of pasta and soon I left for the hostel to get a shower and some good hostel-home-sleep .

It was a good adventure .